music videos
Need a choreography/blocking pre-viz? Music-synchronous projection and lighting? Abstract visual effects? Pre/Pro/Post services available.
Seeking projects that push the envelope both technologically and creatively. Concept pieces encouraged.

Projection mapping on multiple set pieces and warehouse architecture. Remote cue triggering via OSC. Working with Mapjacks - Projection Mapping Crew. More Mapjacks projects:

Projection alignment and triggering family photo cues. Working with Mapjacks - Projection Mapping Crew. More Mapjacks projects:

Meta-Psychedelic Hellbilly Punk video for the notorious son of a son: Hank Williams III. Old school tripped-out camera work meets new school digital effects.

Projection mapping on multiple set pieces and warehouse architecture. Remote cue triggering via OSC. Working with Mapjacks - Projection Mapping Crew. More Mapjacks projects: