I have been doing live streaming tutorial sessions with the intent of fielding questions in real time, but the live archives may be accessed here any time. The tutorials mainly address commonly discussed topics from the forum, the Facebook help-group, and requests from supporters on Patreon. I'm trying to keep the tone of these tutorial session very casual because I have heard from some beginners that they get discouraged when watching tutorials because the tone is very technical. The tutorial sessions stream via Twitch and Facebook so be sure to follow me on social media for updates about future sessions so you can join in the conversation. For those who can't watch live, the raw recordings of the live streams are available on YouTube. Example files are posted on Patreon
Topics ranging from the basics of SOP particles to some intermediate techniques related to instancing geometry as particles. The tutorial covers continuously spawning systems and systems with fixed particle counts, as well as applying forces and collision geometry.
Example files available on Patreon
Kinect TOP - Depth & Silhouette Techniques
Topics related to Kinect TOP: 2D effects and controlling geometry with the various 2D sources.
Example file available on Patreon
Kinect CHOP - Skeletal Tracking Techniques
Topics ranging from the basics of the Kinect CHOP node to intermediate techniques.
Kinect Color Space Example
Gesture Recognition Example
Replace CHOP "Dummy Channels"
A preventative measure for portable module design. In this example, the module contains 12 Circle TOPs that expect control from up to 6 pairs of kinect tracked hands. With dummy channels you can avoid errors from missing input channels if tracking less than 6 people.
Hand Velocity Feedback Example Update
Audio Spectrum Trail Heatmap
This short tutorial is a clarification of a technique seen in an old "freestyle friday" jam session stream on Facebook Live. The image compression on Facebook rendered much of the text illegible, so this tutorial was recorded through Twitch with nice compression.
Spectrum Heatmap Example
Audio Spectrum Geometry Instancing
This short tutorial is in response to a post in the TouchDesigner Help Group on Facebook. How to split audio spectrum into bands to modulate the scaling of respective instances.
Spectrum Instance Scaling Example
Particle Spawn Trigger
This short tutorial was created as followup to a forum discussion about spawning individual particles manually, rather than continuously, with Particle SOP.
Particle Spawn Trigger Example
Kinect Skeleton Basics
In this tutorial we go through the basics of driving a Limit SOP skeleton with Kinect CHOP channels.
This can serve as the skeleton for all sorts of generative characters when you can't (or don't want to) use a rigged 3D model. This generative model also serves as nice source geometry for particles, instancing, etc.
Kinect Pointcloud Techniques
Part 1: In this tutorial we go through the basics of 3D Pointcloud techniques. We begin with the example posted by Malcolm on the TouchDesigner forum and modify it to extract people from their 3D environment. In the forthcoming followup videos we will combine these basics with skills from the previous Kinect CHOP and TOP tutorials to execute several mixed reality effects.
Example file

Part 2: In this tutorial we pick up where part 1 left off and calibrate the virtual scene with our physical room to create a room scale mixed reality scene. We also cover combining pointcloud and skeletal tracking and other uses of the pointcloud texture data.
By the end of this tutorial you will be well on your way to creating holographic worlds which combine virtual and physical reality into a single scene usable in contexts ranging from VR experiences to selfie walls.